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Councils issued with government guidance to make it easier for people to walk or cycle to work

Government guidance has been issued to local authorities to support them in making it easier for people to walk and cycle to work.

The Department of Transport and Sustrans have produced a 60-page publication to provide practical steps to harness an increase in walking and cycling seen during the pandemic.

This will ultimately lead to a more active commute for people returning to work as Covid-19 restrictions lift and as we return to a new normal.

Matt Winfield, England Director at Sustrans said “As we emerge from the pandemic and restrictions ease, we should seize the opportunity to bring about lasting, positive behaviour change. We know we need to drive less, and we know people want to walk and cycle more – this guidance document highlights how local authorities can play their part in making that happen”.

Why don’t you consider walking or cycling to work as you return to the workplace?

You can read more about the document on Sustrans website.