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Free Cycle Training and Maintenance Courses

Did you know that those who live and work in West Yorkshire are eligible for free cycle training and maintenance courses? Go:Cycling is a project being funded by the Government, with the aim of getting more people across the region into the saddle.

Cycle training is available regardless of your experience. Courses are available which range from off-road basic skills coaching, through to on-road advice on how to cycle in traffic.

Riding a bike is one thing, but fixing it is another! Learn how to maintain your bike on a daily basis and make sure you can get yourself home in the event of a puncture, chain snap or brake problem. Courses will cover the basics with you so you can be confident in going that bit further from home and being able to cope in the event that you ride over glass or slip your chain.

For further information on how to take advantage of this free support please contact your travel plan coordinator at, or view the Go:Cycling website by clicking here.