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From Capitol Park

Have you ever considered car sharing?

Car sharing can be a great alternative to driving by yourself, as well as saving money you’ll also be helping the environment and reducing local congestion, you might even make new friends along the way.  If you shared your journey with just one other person you could halve the costs of your journey, share with 2 others and cut your journey costs by two-thirds!

Come and talk to us on Tuesday 19th April at our lunchtime car share event at Capitol Park West.  The event will take place from 12 – 2pm; you’ll find us in reception on the ground floor of Henderson’s and Hermes, come and have a chat and see if car sharing could be right for you. 

There’s no pressure, we are on site to offer some friendly advice and information, we will be on hand to answer any questions you may have and if you wish register your details on the Capitol Park car share scheme, we can help you do so. 

Hope to see you there!

If you have any queries email and we will get back to you as soon as possible.